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Juliana Dias
By Juliana Dias
5 articles

Customizing your Registration Form

To make your network look unique from all the other SaaS built on WordPress platform, WP Ultimo allows you to customize your registration and login pages with our Checkout Forms feature. Although they are an easy and flexible way to experiment with different approaches when trying to convert new customers, they are mostly use to create personalized registration forms. This article aims to show you how you can do it. Login and registration pages: Upon WP Ultimo installation, it automatically creates custom login and registration pages on your main site. You can change these default pages any time by going under your WP Ultimo > Settings > Login & Registration page. Let's take a look at each one of the options you can customize on the Login & Registration page: - Enable registration: This option will enable or disable the registration on your network. If it is toggled off, your customers will not be able to register and subscribe to your products. - Enable email verification: If this option is toggled on, customers that subscribe for a free plan or a paid plan with a trial period will receive a verification email and will need to click on the verification link for their websites to be created. - Default registration page: This is the default page for registration. This page needs to be published on your website and have a registration form (also know as checkout form) - where your clients will subscribe to your products. You can create as many registration pages and checkout forms as you want, just remember to put the checkout form shortcode on the registration page, else it will not appear. - Use custom login page: This option allows you to use a customized login page, other than the default wp-login.php page. If this option is toggled on, you can select which page will be used for login on the Default login page option (right below). - Obfuscate the original login url (wp-login.php): If you want to hide the original login URL, you can toggle this option on. This is useful to prevent brute-force attacks. If this option is enabled, WP Ultimo will display a 404 error when a user tries to access the original wp-login.php link - Force synchronous site publication: After a customer subscribe to a product on a network, the new pending site needs to be converted into a real network site. The publishing process happens via Job Queue, asynchronously. Enable this option to force the publication to happen in the same request as the signup. Now, lets see other options that are still relevant to the login and registration process. They are right below Other options on the same Login & registration page: - Default role: This is the role that your customers will have on their website after the signup process. - Add users to the main site as well: Enabling this option will also add the user to the main site of your network after the signup process. If you enable this option, an option to set the default role of these users on your website will also appear right below. - Enable multiple accounts: Allow users to have accounts in different sites of your network with the same email address. If this option is off, your customers will not be able to create an account on other websites running on your network with the same email address. And that's all the options related to login and registration that you can customize! Don’t forget to save your settings after you finish editing them. Using multiple registration forms: WP Ultimo 2.0 offers a checkout form editor that allows you to create as many forms as you want, with different fields, products on offer, etc. Both the login and registration pages are embedded with shortcodes: [wu_login_form] on the login page and**[wu_checkout]** for the registration page. You can further customize the registration page by building or creating checkout forms. To access this feature, go to the Checkout Forms menu, on the left side-bar. On this page, you can see all the checkout forms you have. If you want to create a new one, just click on Add Checkout Form on the top of the page. You can select one of these three options as your starting point: single step, multi-step or blank. Then, click to Go to the Editor. Alternatively, you can edit or duplicate the forms you already have by clicking on the options below its name. There, you will also find the options to copy the form’s shortcode or to delete the form. If you select single step or multi-step, the checkout form will already be pre-populated with the basic steps for it to work. Then, if you want, you can add extra steps to it. Editing a Checkout Form: As we mentioned before, you can create checkout forms for different purposes. In this example we will work on a registration form. After navigating to the checkout form editor, give your form a name (that will be used for internal reference only) and a slug (used to create shortcakes, for example). Forms are made of steps and fields. You can add a new step by clicking on Add New Checkout Step. On the first tab of the modal window, fill the content of your form’s step. Give it an ID, a name and a description. These items are mostly used internally. Next, set the visibility of the step. You can choose between Always show, Only show for logged in users or Only show for guests. Finally, configure the step style. These are optional fields. Now, it’s time to add fields to our first step. Just click to Add New Field and select the type of section you want. Each field has different parameters to be filled. For this first entrance, we will select the Username field. You can add as many steps and fields as you need. To display your products for your customers to pick one, use the Pricing Table field. If you want to let your clients choose a template, add the Template Selection field. And so on. Note: If you create a product after creating your checkout form, you will need to add the product in the Pricing table section. If you don't add it, the product will not appear to your customers on the registration page. Note 2: username, email, password, site title, site URL, order summary, payment, and submit button are mandatory fields to create a checkout form. While you are working on your checkout form, you can always use the Preview button to see how your clients will see the form. You can also alternate between view as an existing user or a visitor. Finally, on Advanced Options you can configure the message for the Thank You page, add snippets to track conversions, add custom CSS to your checkout form or restrict it to certain countries. You can also manually enable or disable your checkout form by toggling this option on the right column, or delete permanently the form. Don’t forget to save your checkout form! To get your form’s shortcode click to Generate Shortcode and copy the result shown on the modal window. Note: You will need to add this shortcode to your registration page in order to have this checkout form added to it. Pre-selecting products and templates via URL parameters: If you want to create customized pricing tables for your products and pre-select on the checkout form the product or template your customer chooses from your pricing table or templates page, you can use URL parameters for this. For plans: Go to WP Ultimo > Products > Select a plan. You should see the Click to copy Shareable Link button at the the top of the page. This is the link you can use to pre-select this specific plan on your checkout form. Note that this shareable link is only valid for Plans. You cannot use shareable links for packages or services. For templates: If you want to pre-select site templates on your checkout form, you can use the parameter: ?template_id=X on your registration page URL. The "X" needs to be replaced by the site template ID number. To get this number, go to WP Ultimo > Sites. Click on Manage right below the site template you want to use. You will see the SITE ID number. Just use this number for this specific site template to be pre selected on your checkout form. In our case here, the URL parameter would be ?template_id=2. Lets say our network website is www.mynetwork.com and our registration page with our checkout form is located on the /register page. The whole URL with this site template pre-selected will look like www.mynetwork.com/register/?template_id=2. And if you want, you can pre-select both products and templates to your checkout form. All you need to do is to copy the shareable link of the plan and paste the template parameter at the end. It will look like www.mynetwork.com/register/premium-plan/?template_id=2.

Last updated on Oct 10, 2023

How to Configure Domain Mapping (v2)

IMPORTANT NOTE: This article refers to WP Ultimo version 2.x. If you're using v1, see this article. One of the most powerful features of a premium network is the ability to offer our clients a chance to attach a top-level domain to their sites. After all, which looks more professional: joesbikeshop.yournetwork.com or joesbikeshop.com? That’s why WP Ultimo offers that feature baked-in, without the need to use third-party plugins. What’s domain mapping? As the name suggests, domain mapping is the ability offered by WP Ultimo to take in a request for a custom domain and map that request to the corresponding site in the network with that particular domain attached. How to setup domain mapping on your WP Ultimo Network Domain mapping requires some setting up on your part to work. Thankfully, WP Ultimo automates the hard work for you so you can easily meet the requirements. During WP Ultimo installation, the wizard will automatically copy and install the sunrise.php to the designated folder. The wizard won't allow you to proceed until this step is completed. This means that once the WP Ultimo installation wizard has completed setting up your network, you can start mapping the custom domain right away. Note that domain mapping in WP Ultimo is not mandatory. You have an option to use WordPress Multisite native domain mapping function or any other domain mapping solution. Should you need to disable WP Ultimo domain mapping to give way to other domain mapping solutions, you can disable this feature under WP Ultimo > Settings > Domain Mapping. Right below this option, you can also see the option Force Admin Redirect. This option allows you to control if your customers will be able to access their admin dashboard both on their custom domain and subdomain or only on one of them. If you select Force redirect to mapped domain, your customers will only be able to access their admin dashboard on their custom domains. The option Force redirect to network domain will do exactly the opposite - your customers will only be allowed to access their dashboards on their subdomain, even if trying to sign in on their custom domains. And the option Allow access to the admin by both mapped domain domain and network domain allows them to access their admin dashboards both on the subdomain and the custom domain. There are two ways to map a custom domain. The first is by mapping the domain name from your network admin dashboard as the super adminand the second is through the subsite admin dashboard under the account page. But before you start mapping the custom domain to one of the subsites in your network, you will need to make sure that the DNS settings of the domain name are properly configured. Making sure the domain DNS settings are properly configured For a mapping to work, you need to make sure the domain you are planning to map is pointing to your Network’s IP address. Note that you need the Network IP address - the IP address of the domain where WP Ultimo is installed - not the IP address of the custom domain you want to map. To search for the IP address of a specific domain, we suggest going to Site24x7, for example. To correctly map the domain, you need to add an A RECORD on your DNS configuration pointing to that IP address. DNS management varies greatly between different domain registrars, but there’s plenty of tutorials online covering that if you search for “ Creating A Record on XXXX” where XXXX is your domain registrar (ex.: " Creating A Record on GoDaddy”). If you find yourself having trouble getting this to work, contact your domain registrar support and they will be able to help you with this part. If you plan to allow your clients to map their own domains, they will have to do the work on this part themselves. Point them towards their registrar support system if they find themselves unable to create the A Record. Mapping custom domain name as Super Admin When you are logged in as super admin on your network, you can easily add and manage custom domain names by going under WP Ultimo > Domains. Under this page, you can click on the Add Domain button on top and this will bring up a modal window where you can set and fill in the custom domain name, the subsite you wish to apply the custom domain name to, and decide whether you want to set it as the primary domain name or not (note that you can map multiple domain names to one subsite). After putting all the information in, you can then click the Add Existing Domain button at the bottom. This will start the process of verifying and fetching the DNS information of the custom domain. You will also see a log at the bottom of the page for you to follow the process it is going through. This process may take a few minutes to complete. The Stage or the status should change from Checking DNS to Ready if everything is properly set up. If you click on the domain name, you will be able to see some options inside it. Lets take a quick look at them: Stage: This is the stage that the domain is at. When you first add the domain, it will probably be on the Checking DNS stage. The process will check for the DNS entries and confirm they are correct. Then, the domain will be put at the Checking SSL stage. WP Ultimo will check if the domain has SSL or not and will categorize your domain as Ready or Ready (without SSL). Site: The subdomain that is associated with this domain. The mapped domain will show the content of this specific site. Active: You can toggle this option on or off to activate or deactivate the domain. Is Primary Domain?: Your customers can have more than one mapped domain for each site. Use this option to select if this is the primary domain for the specific site. Is Secure?: Even though WP Ultimo checks if the domain has a SSL certificate or not before enabling it, you can manually select to load the domain with or without a SSL certificate. Note that if the website does not have a SSL certificate and you try to force load it with SSL, it may give you errors. Mapping custom domain name as Subsite user Subsite administrators can also map custom domain names from their subsite admin dashboard. First, you need to make sure that you enable this option under the Domain mapping settings. See the screenshot below. You can also set or configure this option under the Plan level or product options on WP Ultimo > Products. When any of those options are enabled and a subsite user is allowed to map custom domain names, the subsite user should see a metabox under the Account page called Domains. The user can click the Add Domain button and it will bring up a modal window with some instructions. The user can then click Next Step and proceed to add the custom domain name. They can also choose if this will be the primary domain or not. Click to Add Domain will start the process of verifying and fetching the DNS information of the custom domain. About Domain Syncing Domain Syncing is a process where WP Ultimo adds the custom domain name to your hosting account as an add-on domain for the domain mapping to work. Domain syncing automatically happens if your hosting provider has integration with the WP Ultimo domain mapping feature. Currently, these hosting providers are Runcloud, Closte, WP Engine, Gridpane, WPMU Dev, Cloudways, and Cpanel. You will need to activate this integration on WP Ultimo settings under the Integration tab. Note that if your hosting provider is not one of those providers mentioned above, you will need to manually sync or add the domain name to your hosting account.

Last updated on Oct 16, 2023

How to configure domain mapping (v1)

IMPORTANT NOTE: This article refers to WP Ultimo version 1.x. If you're using v2, see this article. A powerful feature of a premium network is the ability to offer your clients a chance to attach a top-level domain to their sites. After all, joesbikeshop.com sounds much more professional than joesbikeshop.yournetwork.com, right? That’s why WP Ultimo offers this feature baked-in, and you don't need to rely on other third-party plugins. What’s domain mapping? As the name suggests, domain mapping is the ability offered by WP Ultimo to take in a request for a custom domain and map that request to the corresponding site in the network with that particular domain attached. How to setup domain mapping on your WP Ultimo Network Domain mapping requires some setting up on your part to work. Thankfully, WP Ultimo automates your hard work so you can easily meet the requirements. During WP Ultimo installation, on the Settings part, you can check the Enable Domain Mapping option. Alternatively, you can also enable this option on WP Ultimo > Settings > Domain Mapping and SSL. NOTE: To have the custom domain mapping working correctly, it is important to make sure you have the sunrise.php file from your wp-ultimo directory copied to your wp-content directory, and to have added define('SUNRISE', true); to your wp-config.php file, as shown in the WP Ultimo Wizard Setup. To make custom domains available to plans, check the option inside the specific plan editing page, on the Plan Settings tab. Making sure the domain DNS settings are properly configured For a mapping to work, you need to make sure the domain you are planning to map is pointing to your Network’s IP address. Note that you need the Network IP address - the IP address of the domain where WP Ultimo is installed - not the IP address of the custom domain you want to map. To search for the IP address of a specific domain, we suggest going to Site24x7, for example. To correctly map the domain, you need to add an A RECORD on your DNS configuration pointing to that IP address. DNS management varies greatly between different domain registrars, but there are plenty of tutorials online covering that if you search for “ Creating A Record on XXXX” where XXXX is your domain registrar (ex.: " Creating A Record on GoDaddy”). If you find yourself having trouble getting this to work, contact your domain registrar support and they will be able to help you with this part. If you plan to allow your clients to map their own domains, they will have to do the work on this part themselves. Point them towards their registrar support system if they find themselves unable to create the A Record. Mapping a Custom Domain Name As a Super Admin When you are logged in as super admin on your network, you can add and manage custom domain names by going to your Sites menu and clicking to access the site's option. Go to the Aliases tab and click on Add New. Add the domain name, mark it as active, and click on Add Alias. On Your Customer's Account Page On the right column of your customer's account page, there's a module where you can set the custom domain. Just add the domain and click on Set Custom Domain.

Last updated on Oct 16, 2023

Creating Discount Codes (v2)

IMPORTANT NOTE: This article refers to WP Ultimo version 2.x. With WP Ultimo you can create discount codes to give your clients discounts on their subscriptions. And creating them is easy! Creating and Editing Discount Codes To create or edit a discount code, go to WP Ultimo > Discount Codes. There you’ll have a list of the discount codes you’ve already created. You can click on Add Discount Code to create a new coupon or you can edit the ones you have by hovering over them and clicking Edit. You will be redirected to the page where you will create or edit your coupon code. On this example we will create a new one. Lets take a look at the settings available here: Enter Discount Code: This is just the name of your discount code. This is not the code your customers will need to use on the checkout form. Description: Here, you can briefly describe what this coupon is for. Coupon code: Here is where you define the code your customers will need to enter during the checkout. Discount: Here, you can set either a percentage or a fixed amount of money for your discount code. Apply to renewals: If this option is toggled off, this discount code will only be applied to the first payment. All the other payments will have no discount. If this option is toggled on, the discount code will be valid for all future payments. Setup fee discount: If this option is toggled off, the coupon code will not give any discount for the setup fee of the order. If this option is toggled on, you can set the discount (percentage or fixed amount) that this coupon code will apply to the setup fee of your plans. Active: Manually activate or deactivate this coupon code. Under Advanced Optio ns, we have the following settings: Limit uses: - Uses: Here, you can see how many times the discount code was used. - Max uses: This will limit the amount of times users can use this discount code. For example, if you put 10 here, the coupon could only be used 10 times. After this limit, the coupon code cannot be used anymore. Start & expiration dates: Here you will have the option to add a start date and/or an expiration date to your coupon. Limit products: If you toggle Select products on, all your products will be shown to you. You will have the option to manually select (by toggling on or off) which product can accept this coupon code. Products that are toggled off here will not show any change if your customers try to use this coupon code to them. After setting up all of these options, click on Save Discount Code to save your coupon and it’s done! The coupon is now on your list and, from there, you can click to edit or delete it. Using URL Parameters: If you want to customize your pricing tables or build a nice coupon code page for your website and want to apply a discount code to your checkout form automatically, you can do this via URL parameters. First, you need to get the shareable link for your plan. To do this, go to WP Ultimo > Products and select a plan. Click on the Click to Copy Shareable Link button. This will give you the shareable link to this specific plan. In our case, the shareable link given was mynetworkdomain.com/register/premium/. To apply your discount code to this specific plan, just add the parameter ?discount_code=XXX to the URL. Where XXX is the coupon code. In our example here, we will be applying the coupon code 50OFF to this specific product. The URL for this specific plan and with the 50OFF discount code applied will look as: mynetworkdomain.com/register/premium/ ?discount_code=50OFF.

Last updated on Oct 16, 2023

Sending Emails and Broadcasts (v2)

IMPORTANT NOTE: This article refers to WP Ultimo version 2.x. WP Ultimo comes with a feature that will allow you to communicate with your customers by sending an email to a targeted user or a group of users as well as sending notices on their admin dashboard to broadcast announcements Add admin notices to your customers’ dashboard with Broadcasts Using the WP Ultimo broadcast feature, you can add admin notices to your user’s subsite admin dashboard. This is extremely helpful should you need to make an announcement like system maintenance or offering new products or services to your existing users. This is how the admin notice will look on your user’s dashboard. broadcast account To start an admin notice, go to your network admin dashboard and under the WP Ultimo menu, you will find the Broadcasts option. broadcast admin From this page, click the Add Broadcast button on top. This will bring up the Add broadcast modal window where you can choose what type of broadcast you wish to send. Go ahead and select Message then click the Next Step button. broadcast admin modal The next window will ask you for either the Target customer or Target product. Note that you can select more than one user or more than one product. To search either for a user account or product you need to start typing the keyword inside the field. Under the Message type field, you can select the color of the notice. This will emphasize the urgency of your message. You can then click Next Step. broadcast admin add new The next window is where you can start composing your message by entering the subject and the content/message you wish to broadcast to the users. broadcast admin content After creating your message, you can then hit the Send button. And that is it. The admin notice should immediately show on your user’s dashboard. Send emails to your customers Using the WP Ultimo broadcast feature, you can send an email to your users. You have an option to send the email only to specific users or target a specific user group based on the product or plan they are subscribed under. To start an email broadcast, go to your network admin dashboard and under the WP Ultimo menu, you will find the Broadcast option. email admin From this page, click the Add broadcast button on top. This will bring up the Add broadcast modal window where you can choose what type of broadcast you wish to send. Go ahead and select Email then click the Next Step button. email admin modal The next window will ask you for either the Target customer or Target product. Note that you can select more than one user or more than one product. To search either for a user account or product you need to start typing the keyword inside the field. Once your target audience is selected, you can click Next Step. email admin add new The next window is where you can start composing your email by entering the subject and the content/message you wish to send to the users. email admin content After creating your message, you can hit the Send button. And that is how easy it is to send an email to your end-users using the broadcast feature. System emails System emails in WP Ultimo are those automatic notifications sent by the system after certain actions like registration, payment, domain mapping, etc. These emails can be edited or modified from WP Ultimo settings. It also comes with a feature that will allow you to reset and import existing settings from another WP Ultimo installation. Resetting & Importing New WP Ultimo versions, as well as add-ons, can and will register new emails from time to time. To prevent conflicts and other issues, we won't add the new email templates as System Emails on your install automatically, unless they are crucial to the correct functioning of a given feature. However, super admins and agents can import this newly registered emails via the importer tool. That process will create a new system email with the content and configuration of the new email template, allowing the super admin to make any modifications they want or keep them as is. How to import system emails Go to your WP Ultimo Settings page and head to the Emails tab. Then, on the sidebar, click on the Customize System Emails button. On the System Emails page, you'll see the Reset & Import action button on the top. Clicking that button should open the import and reset modal window. Then, you can toggle the Import Emails options to see which system emails are available to be imported. Reseting System Emails Other times, you'll realize that the changes you made to a given email template are not working for you anymore and you'd like to reset it to their default state. In such cases, you have two options: you can simply delete the system email and import it back (using the instructions above) - which will erase send metrics and other things, which makes this method least preferred. Or you can use the Reset & Import tool to reset that email template. To reset an email template, you can follow the steps above until you reach the Reset & Import tool, and then, toggle the Reset option and select the emails you want to reset back to their default content.

Last updated on Oct 16, 2023