Home Next Steps Sending Emails and Broadcasts (v2)

Sending Emails and Broadcasts (v2)

Last updated on Oct 16, 2023

IMPORTANT NOTE: This article refers to WP Ultimo version 2.x.

WP Ultimo comes with a feature that will allow you to communicate with your customers by sending an email to a targeted user or a group of users as well as sending notices on their admin dashboard to broadcast announcements

Add admin notices to your customers’ dashboard with Broadcasts

Using the WP Ultimo broadcast feature, you can add admin notices to your user’s subsite admin dashboard.

This is extremely helpful should you need to make an announcement like system maintenance or offering new products or services to your existing users. This is how the admin notice will look on your user’s dashboard.

broadcast account

To start an admin notice, go to your network admin dashboard and under the WP Ultimo menu, you will find the Broadcasts option.

broadcast admin

From this page, click the Add Broadcast button on top.

This will bring up the Add broadcast modal window where you can choose what type of broadcast you wish to send.

Go ahead and select Message then click the Next Step button.

broadcast admin modal

The next window will ask you for either the Target customer or Target product. Note that you can select more than one user or more than one product.

To search either for a user account or product you need to start typing the keyword inside the field.

Under the Message type field, you can select the color of the notice. This will emphasize the urgency of your message.

You can then click Next Step.

broadcast admin add new

The next window is where you can start composing your message by entering the subject and the content/message you wish to broadcast to the users.

broadcast admin content

After creating your message, you can then hit the Send button.

And that is it. The admin notice should immediately show on your user’s dashboard.

Send emails to your customers

Using the WP Ultimo broadcast feature, you can send an email to your users. You have an option to send the email only to specific users or target a specific user group based on the product or plan they are subscribed under.

To start an email broadcast, go to your network admin dashboard and under the WP Ultimo menu, you will find the Broadcast option.

email admin

From this page, click the Add broadcast button on top.

This will bring up the Add broadcast modal window where you can choose what type of broadcast you wish to send. Go ahead and select Email then click the Next Step button.

email admin modal

The next window will ask you for either the Target customer or Target product. Note that you can select more than one user or more than one product.

To search either for a user account or product you need to start typing the keyword inside the field.

Once your target audience is selected, you can click Next Step.

email admin add new

The next window is where you can start composing your email by entering the subject and the content/message you wish to send to the users.

email admin content

After creating your message, you can hit the Send button.

And that is how easy it is to send an email to your end-users using the broadcast feature.

System emails

System emails in WP Ultimo are those automatic notifications sent by the system after certain actions like registration, payment, domain mapping, etc. These emails can be edited or modified from WP Ultimo settings. It also comes with a feature that will allow you to reset and import existing settings from another WP Ultimo installation.

Resetting & Importing

New WP Ultimo versions, as well as add-ons, can and will register new emails from time to time.

To prevent conflicts and other issues, we won't add the new email templates as System Emails on your install automatically, unless they are crucial to the correct functioning of a given feature.

However, super admins and agents can import this newly registered emails via the importer tool. That process will create a new system email with the content and configuration of the new email template, allowing the super admin to make any modifications they want or keep them as is.

How to import system emails

Go to your WP Ultimo Settings page and head to the Emails tab.

Then, on the sidebar, click on the Customize System Emails button.

On the System Emails page, you'll see the Reset & Import action button on the top. Clicking that button should open the import and reset modal window.

Then, you can toggle the Import Emails options to see which system emails are available to be imported.

Reseting System Emails

Other times, you'll realize that the changes you made to a given email template are not working for you anymore and you'd like to reset it to their default state.

In such cases, you have two options: you can simply delete the system email and import it back (using the instructions above) - which will erase send metrics and other things, which makes this method least preferred.

Or you can use the Reset & Import tool to reset that email template.

To reset an email template, you can follow the steps above until you reach the Reset & Import tool, and then, toggle the Reset option and select the emails you want to reset back to their default content.