Home Introduction WP Ultimo Requirements

WP Ultimo Requirements

Last updated on Oct 16, 2023

The first thing you might ask yourself before purchasing WP Ultimo is what are the requirements to run our plugin. Well, luckily, there are only a few basic requirements for running WP Ultimo: a domain name, a good hosting provider and a WordPress Multisite installation. That's all you need!

Domain Name

First, let's talk about the domain name.

When choosing a domain name, keep in mind what is your specific niche and what you will be creating with WP Ultimo: Do you want to create an agency? Sell shop-like websites? Or maybe a WordPress web hosting? Everything is possible with WP Ultimo.

Our plugin provides subscription services, payment collection, checkout forms, discount vouchers and customer communications. A great amount of the work required to install, configure and maintain a WordPress Multisite is facilitated by WP Ultimo.

Any niche you choose can be managed using our plugin as long as you sell websites as a service! Make sure to choose a domain name that matches your business plan.

Hosting Provider

Now that you have a catching domain name that represents your niche and business, you will need to choose a good web hosting company to host your network with WP Ultimo. There are some good options on the market. Some hosting providers integrate well with WP Ultimo, which might be a decisive factor depending on what you are planning to build.

WP Ultimo should work in any hosting provider. The only difference is that some hosting companies like WPMU DEV Hosting, WP Engine, Closte, Cloudways, Gridpane and Runcloud have a tighter integration for domain mapping. For other hosting, you may need to map the custom domains manually. It is also a good idea to get a hosting provider that supports AutoSSL. Closte, Runcloud and cPanel support it.

When it comes to server specifications, there is no specific formula as it will depend on the features and functions you will offer and the size of your network. A shared hosting may be a good start, but as soon as your network starts to grow, you will probably need a dedicated VPS.

WordPress Multisite

Now, let's talk a little about a WordPress Multisite installation.

WordPress Multisite allows you to have a network of sites on a single installation. This is a built-in feature, but it’s not active by default. You need to enable this feature inside your WordPress installation and web hosting control panel.

Having WordPress with Multisite enabled is the base for WP Ultimo. Since the main use of WP Ultimo is to help users manage and sell websites as a service, this needs to be done on WordPress with Multisite enabled.

We have an in-depth article teaching step by step what needs to be done to enable the Multisite feature on your WordPress installation.

After you have Multisite enabled on WordPress, it is time to install WP Ultimo. To correctly install WP Ultimo, you must have:

  • WordPress: v5.3+ (Recommended: Last stable version)

  • PHP: 7.4.x (support to > 8.0 coming soon)

  • MySQL: v5+ (Recommended: 5.6, in case you don't have 8.0 available on your hosting provider)

These are the only software requirements for WP Ultimo.

Keep in mind that WP Ultimo may work with PHP 8.0 but we recommend running it with PHP 7.4.x.

Also, we recommend installing it on main domains, not subdomains or subdirectories. It might work on subdomains/subdirectories, but it might present some errors.

For a detailed guide on how to install WP Ultimo, click here.