Home Getting Started Setting the Sunrise constant to true on Closte

Setting the Sunrise constant to true on Closte

Last updated on Oct 16, 2023

Some host providers lock the wp-config.php for security reasons. This means that WP Ultimo cannot automatically edit the file to include the necessary constants to get domain mapping and other features to work. Closte is one such host.

However, Closte offers a way to add constants to the wp-config.php in a secure manner. You just need to follow the steps below:

On the Closte dashboard

First, log into your Closte account, click on the Sites menu item, then click on the Dashboard link on the site you are currently working on:

You be presented with a number of new menu items on the left side of the screen. Navigate to the Settings page using that menu:

Then, on the Settings, find the WP-Config tab, and then the "Additional wp-config.php content" field on that tab:

In the context of installing WP Ultimo, you'll need to add the sunrise constant onto that field. Simply add a new line and paste the line below. After that, click the Save All button.

define('SUNRISE', true);

That's it, you're all set. Return to the WP Ultimo install wizard and refresh the page to continue the process.