Home FAQ How can I cancel my subscription?

How can I cancel my subscription?

Last updated on Oct 31, 2023

If you have a WP Ultimo license, you can cancel its renewal at any time you want. Just follow the steps below:

Access your Freemius account page through the link you received in your e-mail after buying WP Ultimo:

Use the email you provided during the purchase and your password.

This is your Account Page inicial screen:

To cancel your subscription, on the menu on the left, go to Renewing & Billing.

Click the arrow on the right to open a side window. Then, you should select the option that will cancel the auto-renew.

The system will show you a confirmation message.

If you are sure you want to cancel your subscription, just click the Cancel Renewals button. After this action, you will be asked to answer a quick survey.

Done! Your subscription won't be automatically renewed.

You will have a valid key until your subscription expires. In case you want to reactivate your subscription, you will need to do it manually.